Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why do you have to hit so hard?! March 14, 2016

Well this week was a rough one, in lots of ways. But I learned a lot which makes it all worth it in the end, right?
Tuesday I had another doctor appointment. I finally got a short arm cast. But now I am doing physical therapy so that's a joy... I also couldn't move my elbow for a long time. But my doctor is the best. He is really awesome. He said I am healing really nice, although it doesn't really feel like I am. But the short arm cast is so much nicer cause I can actually take it off without hurting myself. Yay!!! We also did some service at the food bank. That was fun. Except I was pretty useless with one arm. But I made it work.
Wednesday we did some more service for a member and that was fun. I was raking rocks... We had a couple of lessons that day too. One of them is a massage therapist so she worked on my elbow a little bit. That was nice. 
Thursday I had to give a training in our district meeting. That was rough. But it's over with. It was a good meeting though. But after we played bean bag baseball with the old folks I started to feel super sick. So after dinner we went home cause I was about ready to fall over and die. But I got better.
Friday was a slow day. We didn't get to teach anyone. But we still had fun.
Saturday was a rough day. We couldn't get in with anyone again. And we almost ran a stop sign so that kind of set me off. It took me a long time to calm down. But we had a prayer and things started to get better. 
This week was just a rough one for us. We lost a lot of our investigators and we didn't really teach a lot. But I learned a lot about trials this week. And I was reading a talk in the Ensign the other day and it made me think about how I am responding to my trials. It talked about being like Nephi and not Lamen and Lemuel. I was noticing that I was starting to be like Lamo brothers. But then I just decided to change and be happy. Things are still hard but they are looking up. I just gotta see the good even in the bad. And thank goodness for the Atonement that helps me do that. 
Anyway I hope all is well and hopefully next week will bring new things. I can feel it!

Much love, 
Sister Richards

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